AIA Continental Europe with AIA UK
Cork 2025 : Genius Loci
Program - The full program details can be found HERE Updated 26 Feb 2025 (Please note that the program subject to change)
Registration - Registration for Cork is now CLOSED - contact for waitlist
Locations - A map with conference locations, along with hotel and restaurant suggestions can be found HERE
Hotel - The base hotel for the conference will be the Clayton Hotel Cork City
Alternative Hotel options here and restaurant options here. Note reservations are required for some of the restaurants listed.
Travel Information - Airports, transfers, bus and rail details can be found HERE
Note: If you are travelling to Ireland via the UK there are some new visa requirements details can be found HERE
Thank you to our Corporate Partners (listed below)
Program Overview
Thursday - 17:00 to 19:00 Welcome Reception
Friday 11 April Cork - Past Present, Future - 6.5 LU/HSW credits
start at 08:15 Conference Registration with Coffee/Tea/Pastries
Cork County Council - Cork in Context
Cork: History / Urbanism
Nano Nagle Place - Gareth O’Callaghan, Director Conservation - JCA Architects
Grafton Architects - Redevelopment of Crawford Art Gallery
Tours of Cork City
Talk and Tour of St Angelas’ College by O’Donnell + Tuomey Architects
Saturday, 12 April Buildings for Culture and Education - 6 LU/HSW credits
start at 08:30 with Coffee/Tea/Pastries
O’Donnell + Tuomey Architects, Talk and tour of The Hub
Walk through UCC Campus, Cavanagh Bridge
Tour Bucholz McEvoy Architects - Environmental Research Institute
Saturday Gala Dinner 19:00 Drinks reception, 20:00 Dinner
Sunday, 13 April Contemporary Development and Environs - 6.5 LU/HSW credits
start at 08:30 with Coffee/Tea/Pastries
Docklands Development
Sustainable Development of Irish Cities (Clonakilty / Cobh) - Guilia Valone, Senior Architect Cork County Council
Panel Discussion - The Cork Papers: Sustainable City in the Making (8 years on) - Angela Brady, Director Brady Mallalieu Architects BMA
Shane de Blacam, DeBlacmandMeagher
Tour of CIT
17:30 Conference ends