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AIA Europe Conference: Copenhagen l Spring 2019

Conference Description:

At AIA Europe's Spring 2019 Conference – Livability in Copenhagen – We will explore How it works, Why it works, Where it works, When it works, and …sometimes doesn’t.

We will explore key factors that affect many European cities to which the city of Copenhagen has developed a unique response.

Sustainability, Live/work balance, the cycling culture, designing with acoustics, lighting and water, the city’s design culture, and exploring public and private space in the city.

To mimic life in this engaging city, we will explore the city by boat, bike, walking tours and even a morning run. Lectures, cocktail hours and a gala dinner in locations throughout the city will inform your new perspective on Copenhagen.

The current conference itinerary is scheduled to achieve 15 LUs, but is subject to change.

Upon arrival to conference registration, each guest will be given a 72 hour transit pass called Copenhagen City Pass for transportation to conference events. It is advised to download the Danish Transport mobile app, Rejseplannen for accurate travel information regarding buses and trains: Apple Google Play


Please join us!  


Conference registration is open to both members and non-members of AIA Europe

Language is English

Questions should be sent to Conference Chairs, Jake Spruit and Ryan Wakat .                      

* Estimated AIA CES Learning Units for Full Conference Registration: 15 Learning Units

* AIA Europe may make changes to the program content. A final program will be published in Spring 2019.


Download Printable PDF Conference Description Here

Interactive Venue Map:

A map show the locations of venues for the Spring 2019 AIA Continental Europe Conference in Copenhagen from April 11-14, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019 

Venue: Schmidt Hammer Lassen Office

Address: Njalsgade 17a, Pakhus 2

17:00-18:30 Registration opens

17:30-18:00 Welcome Cocktail and Tour of Schmidt Hammer Lassen Office

18:00-19:30 Lecture and Architectural Walking Tour of the Islands Brygge Neighborhood

19:30 Dinner on your own 

Friday, April 12, 2019

AM Venue: Design Museum Denmark

Address: Bredgade 68

PM Venue: KADK, Auditorium 2

Danneskiold-Samsøes Alle 53

8:00-9:00 Registration Opens - Design Museum Denmark

9:00-9:30 Opening Remarks - Welcome presentation by AIACE President Les Jordan, Jake Spruit and team

9:30-10:30: Presentation: Copenhagen and Denmark

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30: DAC Walking Tour: A Walk Through Time: Explore Copenhagen’s Architecture

12:30-13:30: Lunch

13:45-15:00: Boat Tour - Harbor Architecture by Boat

15:00-17:30: Tour, Lecture(s) and discussions - Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK)

17:30-18:30: Happy Hour at 3XN Office

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Venue: Danish Architecture Center

Address: Bryghuspladsen 10

07:00-08:00 Optional morning run or bike ride

09:00-09:15  Welcome and Coffee at BLOX / Danish Architecture Center

9:15-10:15: Introduction to Danish Architecture Center

9:30-11:00: Presentation: Lecture and Discussion, Sustainability and Research and Engineering Combing with Architecture

10:45-11:00: Sponsor Presentation and Tour of the Danish Architecture Center

11:00-12:00: Lecture and Discussion: Tackling the Complexities: Material Selection and Sustainable Building Research

12:00-13:00: Lunch and Tour of the Danish Architecture Center

13:00-13:30: Travel to Amager from the Danish Architecture Center to M1 Metro

13:30-17:00: Ørestad Architectural Walking tour

17:00-19:00: Open Program

19:00-23:00: Gala Dinner at Søren K Restaurant at the Black Diamond Library

Sunday, April 14, 2019

AM Venue: COBE Architects

Address: Pakhaus 54, Orientkaj 4

PM Venue: Swiss Embassy Denmark

Address: Richelieus Alle 14, 2900 Hellerup

8:45-10:00: Chapter Meeting at COBE Office

10:15-10:30: Firm Tour of COBE Office

110:30-12:00 Architectural Walking Tour starting from the COBE office: Nordhavn Masterplan

12:00-13:00: Lunch at COBE office

13:00-14:00 Roundtable Discussion: Copenhagen & Livability

14:00-14:45: Travel to Grundtvigs Kirke via S-Tog

14:45-15:30: Tour of Grundtvigs Kirke

15:30-16:00: Travel to the Open Swiss Embassy

16:00-17:30: Reception at the Swiss Embassy

Close of Conference